Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday (and exercise inspiration!)

HI everyone--

I'm sorry I haven't posted much this week, I have made some food (which I'll work on posting now), but I've been really busy with different things. Now, if you ask me "what", I would probably reply, "I don't remember!" It's been one of THOSE weeks.

Anyways, I have managed to get back in the everyday workout routine starting last Saturday, and stuck with it all week. So, I have declared myself better! Until I get my nutrition posts done, though, here's some thoughts from workoutmommy:

Workout Motivation:

Do not forget to make time today for a workout. Do not make excuses, just get it done.
Need motivation and inspiration? Ok, think on these:
You WILL feel more energized after you workout. Get your blood pumping, heart rate racing, and enjoy your energy!
Swimsuit season is a mere 2 months away.
It will take you less time to get up those steps if you RUN! Save time and get fit!
Squatting on the wall is way more fun than sitting in a chair. Try it now. Go ahead, we’ll wait….
Each commercial break is about 2 minutes. How many push ups can you do during each commercial break?
Your kids will be very entertained as you jump rope, run or dance with them. My son loves it when I run around the yard with him. It tires him out and gives me a mini-workout.
Did I mention that swimsuit season is in 2 months?
and finally, life is too short to stay seated in that chair all day long!
So log off, get up and MOVE!

Have a healthy day gang!

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